Parts of the plant that is widely used is the rhizome. Turmeric is used extensively in the food field. Kari is one type of food uses turmeric. Yellow pigment in turmeric (coded E100) used to protect food products against sun damage. When used with other dyes, namely annatto (E160b), turmeric can be used to provide color to the cheese, yogurt, butter, and margarine.
Chemical compounds contained in turmeric is curcumin (a type of polyphenol compounds) and essential oils. Curcumin is the active compound in turmeric, which is found in two tautomeric forms, the keto form in the solid phase and the enol form in solution phase.
Benefits of turmeric are very numerous, white turmeric or saffron yellow has so many benefits as much. Turmeric benefits include the most commonly known by the general public is for nursing mothers, to pregnant women and so on. While the other benefits of turmeric is to clean your face and remove the black spots on the skin.
Benefits of Turmeric for Skin Health
Turmeric is also beneficial for skin health is to rejuvenate the skin and make the skin more toned and colored Appear. Here is how to use turmeric for skin health.
1. Mix turmeric powder with a little cucumber juice or lemon juice.
2. Once mixed evenly and stick it on skin areas that are dark spots blemishes or spots.
3. Let stand for about 15 minutes and wash with cold water.
4. Perform routine until the scars fade or disappear.
In contrast to the benefits of soursop leaf and benefits of water as well as the benefits of soursop, turmeric benefits tends more toward the outside of the body and does not slow lorises are also close to the inside of the body.
Turmeric Benefits To Eliminate Acne
Benefits of turmeric to get rid of acne remains to be vetted, but turmeric is proven to eliminate the irritation that occurs around the face. Irritation around the face itself is often said to be the main cause of acne. With regular use, then you can prevent the irritation that can cause acne on the skin.
Turmeric for Health Benefits
A recent study on mice in laboratories showed that turmeric can slow the spread of breast cancer to the lungs and other body parts. Curcumin also has pain relief properties.
A study published in November 2006 in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism shows the effectiveness of curcumin as a reliever of inflammation in the joints. This compound is a natural inhibitor of COX-2 enzyme.
A study in 2008 concluded that turmeric is also able to reduce insulin resistance and prevent type 2 diabetes in mice in the laboratory.
When compared to a very important health benefits for the human body is no wonder many plants and herbs used as a panacea and does not cause side effects. Traditional medicine has become very important because in addition to not cause the side effects of traditional medicine is also not too difficult and not expensive to buy. With these benefits, the traditional medicine is very easy to find, including benefits of turmeric.
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