Breaking : We would suggest, with emphasis, that our young brothers read the books of the scholars of Ahl as-Sunna so that they shall not be tricked by the religion reformers’ lies…
At the beginning of the First Dialogue, the religion reformer says: “The
virtuous young reformer, in order to make Muslims attain happiness, wants to
rescue them from the nuisance of taqlîd, which appeared later, and to help them
to follow the Book, the Sunna and the path of the Salaf. In the first century
[of Islam] even shepherds used to get their religious knowledge directly from
the Book and the Sunna.”
the buffoonery of Rashîd Ridâ’s! He says “virtuous” for the one who is a
heretic like himself. Through the mouth of an ignorant religion reformer, he
attempts to advise the old reverend