Figures of Single Till The World of Doom

Figures of Single Till The World of Doom
Hooks is a common saying mate is in the hands of God, and it reminds us how when we can achieve peak performance sky-high, or higher than most human achievement, achievement in a relationship is not necessarily going to follow it, at least the 6th experienced the following world leaders.

For the record, that I mentioned here is not who is not married because of having same-sex orientation (thus forbidden to marry in his time), but rather those who have had a great heartbroken, 'do not sell', or which is committed to not get married.

1. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

The people at the present time all consider Beethoven as a legendary musician who was superb. All companions, who suffered a near-total deafness (and getting worse until his death), but was able to create many works of monumental orchestral music. His works include 'Symphony no.9' (which he said was traced by our lute song, 'sms'), 'Symphony No.7', 'Fur Elise', 'Moonlight Sonata', and so on.

However, perhaps not many know that the love story is not as beautiful as the music-the music. 's Nationality German composer repeatedly broke his heart, which made
​​him so depressed by love, until he died in poverty and alone. Sad and tragic.

Not less than 8 women approached by Beethoven never tried, but all foundered. Mostly for refusing to Beethoven, who was deaf and poor condition, so they prefer men who are more established. For example, like Giulietta Guicciardi, students in 1801. Beethoven has even created a song 'Moonlight Sonata' for him, but would prefer to marry Giulietta Robert von Gallenbergin richer than Beethoven.

Then Anna Marie Erdody, who had influenced Beethoven in creating the song, but eventually also married to another man. There was also Josephine von Brunsvik aka Pepi who has been so close to Beethoven, but their relationship is ultimately not sanctioned by the family Pepi, until this woman also eventually married someone else.

2. Coco Chanel (1883-1971)

Coco Chanel (1883-1971)
Beautiful, rich, intelligent, and well-known. Where the dumb guy who does not want to marry a woman like this. However, in reality, a legendary French fashion designer who is considered as the pioneer of modern fashion named Gabrielle Bonheur 'Coco' Chanel never married all his life. Not because she was a lesbian or something.

Chanel had taken and were employed by textile entrepreneurs stores Etienne Balsan who then pulled it to the world of fashion, but their relationship was never continued. Chanel later also had a relationship with Balsan friend, Captain Arthur Capel, but the captain then actually married to another woman from the UK.

Although he never married, Chanel was rumored to have dated many men, including the Duke of Westminster from the UK. Chanel supposedly almost spoken by the prince, but he refused on the grounds, "There have been several Duchesses of Westminster, but There is only one Chanel,"
3. James Buchanan (1791-1868)

James Buchanan (1791-1868)

The only U.S. president who never married in his life. Was rumored to have had homosexual living with his best friend, William Rufus King. However, all speculation was refuted by official proposal on Mrs.Francis Preston Blair.

Unfortunately, once again the story is not up to you. In addition to Blair, the leader of the 15 land of Uncle Sam is also known to have been close to Mary K.Snyder, but also did not lead to marriage.

4. Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603)

Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603)

Yes, she is the Queen from Kingdom of the UK and Ireland ever since 17 November 1558 up to March 24th, 1603, he are the ancestors of Prince Charles and Prince William which feast her wedding we are witnessing are so majestic and splashy, and she does not never unmarried for his life.

This makes virginity until death of Queen Elizabeth I was dubbed the Virgin Queen, and virginitasnya is so exalted by the people of Great Britain to sometimes call it a god in the sense that no ordinary human. Friends and gentlemen, Queen Elizabeth I once said, "If I follow my natural inclinations, I prefer to be single than a queen-beggar-married." Other than statements it, Queen Elizabeth I also ever make a speech:

"I will never break the word of a prince spoken in public place, for my honour's sake. And therefore I say again, I will marry as soon as I can conveniently, if God take not him away with whom I mind to marry, or myself, or else some other great let happen.

Elizabeth I is known to have true love in the person of a Lord Robert Dudley, who is his childhood friend. Elizabeth I waited even though faithful to his wife of Dudley, Amy Dudley died. However, so Amy was killed in a plane crash, Dudley still can not marry the Queen, because some seniors remain conservative kingdom will not allow the marriage.

However, Elizabeth I still miss love of Dudley, she even gave an honorary degree at Dudley Earl of Leicester in 1564.

Unfortunately, Dudley subsequently remarried with another woman in 1578. This makes the Queen so revenge and hate the new wife of Dudley. Until the end of his life, Elizabeth I never loved a man other than Dudley, and the letters of the Lord found as a personal stash belongings are his most favorite queen.

5. Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)

Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)

Danish folk tales king pride. He wrote works such as 'Little Mermaid', 'Ugly Ducks', 'Match-Girl', etc.. so phenomenal and still popular kids around the world until now. However, as reflected in the most fairy-tale 'sad-ending', the story of romance was never happy.

Andersen who since childhood is a weak guy, not so clever, and often considered bizarre, may make it difficult to be loved.

Andersen never had a childhood crush named Riborg Voigt, but does not continue. Andersen also been rejected by a crush of women, such as Sophie and Louise Collin Orsted. The most prominent is the story of how Andersen so chasing an opera singer Jenny Lind.

However, it was felt shy Andersen difficulty expressing her feelings on Lind's famous singer. So know the feeling Lind Andersen through a letter, Lind rejected Andersen gently until later learned that Lind will marry someone else. Since then, Andersen never fall in love again.

6. Maggie Kuhn (1905-1995)

Maggie Kuhn (1905-1995)

Is an American social activist who founded the movement known as "Gray Panthers', a movement seeking social security for elderly people to continue to be treated and given the same rights with other age generation, including the right to remain engaged in social activities, and also criticized many government regulations do not favor you elderly. This movement also supports the provision of social responsibility to the young you, with the motto "Age and Youth in Action".

Not so clear what the cause of Kuhn is not married. Most likely the reason ideology. One issue that the appointment of the YWCA (Young Women's Christian Association) is about the difficulty of being single in a society that requires marriage as the social norm. Clearly, whenever asked about the reason for not getting married, Kuhn always replied, "less fortunate."

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